About the Multicultural Resource Center

Welcome to the Multicultural Resource Center for Families & Children (MRC)!

We are a registered non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of families and youth. With a focus on providing comprehensive support and resources, we strive to empower families and communities to overcome challenges and thrive.


MRC strives to fostere a commitment to young people and their families that will promote family strengthening through youth development, unconditional positive regard, and encourage pro-social freindships and strong interpersonal skills.  MRC works with families to provide resources and services that can help them balance their work and home life and ultimately strengthen the family.  MRC operates within the organizational values of inclusive access, linguistically and culturally appropriate services, and intentionally addressing the needs of the family. 

MRC provides after-school and summer programs that focus on academic progress/learning and parental support. The programs include the following components.